Monday, September 3, 2007

Hit By a Bus

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 03, 2007 05:16 PM, EDT
I don't even know how to start the journaling today except to say that it has been the kind of day that makes both Jerry and I feel as if we have been hit by a bus. Brianna has been doing so incredibly well. So well, in fact that the doctors told us yesterday, she could go home today, if she would start drinking orally from a bottle. Jerry and I felt pretty confident that would happen. It didn't. Actually, Brianna had such a hard time with the bottle, choking, that we were advised not to try again today. The reality with trisomy 18 babies is that they normally do not ever drink from a bottle. They cannot coordinate swallowing and breathing. For Brianna to ever have been drinking from a bottle was another one of those miracles. Now, there are only two options left. 1) feed her through a tube that goes in her nose to her stomach or 2) feed her through a tube that goes through her stomach. Both have pros and cons. We will be meeting with a specialist in the morning to determine the outcome.

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