You would be so very proud of us. Your dad and I are leaving in the morning for our first mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Your life here on earth has brought glory to God. We heard the message you brought with you for those short yet wonderful 28 months you were here with us. We think of you every single day, and "see" you in the beautiful nature that surrounds us. Just last week before bed I was walking Belina and there you were...the first lightning bug I saw of the season. Lighting the way, it was amazing because the lightning bug came out of the grasses, caught Belina's eye and she chased it down the street with the lightning bug bouncing off of Belina's nose. It was amazing.
I know you must be proud of your big sis too. It was quite an emotional moment to see Ashley receive her high school diploma. You taught her well too. Her plans are to start community college in the Fall. All because of you, her goal is to become a speech pathologist.
You taught us well little Bri. Big hugs and kisses to you. Forever in our hearts.